Copyright © 2022 Dreamstreets—Webmaster Phillip Bannowsky
With over 45 years’ experience ensconced in the Delaware arts community, we at Dreamstreets are confident that we can successfully comprise a frequency and scope to include commentary, reviews, criticism, and the history of music, theatre, literature, cinema, or whatever some artist gets away with, to paraphrase Marshall McLuhan. And we’ll need you to pitch your reports, critiques, thoughts, and hallucinations anent artsy doings in and of concern to Delaware. While critiques ought to be candid, if you think the work is trash, find another work, one worthy of our reader’s attention, and leave your trash for another to treasure. “Pitch” is an operative word here. Rather than labor by lamplight for what might forfeit sunshine, tip us off first, though we’ll still take stuff on spec. To make this easier, we have year-round submissions, and we publish whenever we’re ready.
We aim to remain progressive, diverse, averse to anything racist or sexist, unafraid of being edgy, and a vehicle for art marginalized by the insular esthetic of Delaware’s political economy as well as its diverticular geography.
SUBMISSION GUIDELINES (Please have the courtesy to comply with these carefully. They are simple and make our job much easier.)
We accept literary submissions in any genre, including criticism, reporting, and commentary from and of concern to Delawareans and those in the Delaware Diaspora. We solicit our own visual art. Generally, we do not reprint previously published contemporary work although one previously published poem in a sequence of un-published poems might be permissible; just make sure we know, so we can give credit. Our reading periods are year-round. We sometimes publish a summer issue curated without submissions.
Send up to 5 poems of no more than 5 pages, not including your cover page. For prose, 15 pages is roughly the limit although more may be acceptable if the work is exceptional. For criticism and commentary, it’s wise to query first. Begin no more than one poem on each page and make your stanza breaks clear.
Please send your work to: dreamstreets(dot)press(at)gmail (dot) com AS A SINGLE ATTACHED DOCUMENT in Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx). PLEASE, DO NOT MAKE US OPEN AND KEEP TRACK OF SEVERAL DOCUMENTS. Write “Sub-mission” in the email subject heading. IN YOUR SINGLE DOCUMENT, include a cov-er page with name, address, phone number, email, and a short bio of 50 words or less, and indicate your connection to Delaware. Those who need to use snail mail may ad-dress a hard copy of their submission to Dreamstreets Press, P. O. Box 4593, Newark, DE 19715. Double space prose, single space poetry as your standard, use 12-pt Times New Roman font, and remove extra space between paragraphs. Align text left, except for special or unusual typography, in which case, we may have to work with you to render it faithfully. DON'T CAPITALIZE TITLES unless that is your intention.
Simultaneous submissions are fine, but please let us know in your cover letter if you are courting another and inform us immediately if your work becomes elsewhere engaged. We reserve first serial rights until publication, when all rights revert to the author. Our rights include electronic as well as print publication and magazine reprints. Please give Dreamstreets credit if you re-publish your work. Our editorial committee will review your work and get back to you before the next issue.